The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (“CMS”) has announced the Medicare Part A deductibles and Part B premiums for 2018. Medicare Part A covers inpatient hospital and hospice care, while Part B covers outpatient services such as doctors’ visits.
The Part A deductible for inpatient hospital expenses will be $1,340 in 2018, a $24 increase over the prior year. For the 61st through 90th day of hospitalization, the per diem coinsurance cost will be $335, while hospital stays over 90 days will cost $670 per day. Daily coinsurance for the 21st to 100th day in a skilled nursing facility will cost $167.50 in 2018.
The standard Medicare Part B monthly premium for 2018 remains, for most individuals, at $134. As required by the Medicare Modernization Act, single beneficiaries with incomes over $85,000 and married couples with incomes of over $170,000 will pay a higher Part B premium, based on a sliding scale.
Some beneficiaries who were “held harmless” against Part B premium increases in prior years will have a Part B premium increase in 2018, but the premium increase will be offset by the increase in their Social Security benefits. Medicare Part B enrollees who are not subject to the “hold harmless” provision include beneficiaries who: do not receive Social Security benefits; enroll in Part B for the first time in 2018; are directly billed for their Part B premium; are dually eligible for Medicaid and have their premium paid by state Medicaid agencies; or who pay the income-related premium mentioned above. These groups represent approximately 30 percent of the total Part B beneficiaries.