Ethics Resources
The Wagner Law Group stands ready to advise law firms, inside counsel and other lawyers on matters of professional ethics. Our firm’s expertise relates both to general ethical questions as well as to questions arising more specifically in the context of an Employee Benefits and Executive Compensation Practice.
Andrew Oringer
In addition to continuing his ERISA and Executive Compensation practice, Andrew Oringer serves as The Wagner Law Group’s General Counsel and focuses on a wide range of ethical issues. A frequent speaker and writer on matters of ethics and decorum, he is Chair emeritus of the New York State Bar Association’s Committee on Attorney Professionalism, where he spearheaded the revamping of New York’s Standards of Civility for attorneys, and a member of the Association’s Committee on Professional Ethics, which is the source of the Association’s influential ethics opinions. As an example of Mr. Oringer’s writings, he is the co-editor of what is arguably the leading treatise on ERISA fiduciary law, and is the co-author of the ethics chapter in that treatise.
Thomas Clark
In addition to continuing his ERISA counseling and litigation practice and serving as The Wagner Law Group’s Chief Operating Officer, Thomas Clark is the firm’s Deputy General Counsel, having previously served as its General Counsel. For years he has considered and addressed numerous ethical issues with a focus on the technical application of the rules with a practical perspective.