President-Elect Trump has proposed Rep. Lori Chavez-DeRemer as the next Secretary of Labor. The selection is particularly notable for the clear pro-union leanings of the nominee of a Republican...
Susan Rees
Trump’s ‘Unusual’ Pick for Secretary of Labor Has More Health Than Retirement Track Record
Trump’s ‘Unusual’ Pick for Secretary of Labor Has More Health Than Retirement Track Record - Andrew Oringer, Mark Greenstein, Susan Rees and Stephen Wilkes, PLANSPONSOR, November 25, 2024 (PDF)
The Wagner Law Group’s Washington, D.C. Office: Experience, Savvy, And Leadership
The Wagner Law Group’s Washington, D.C. Office has continued to grow, adding Michael Schloss, EBSA’s former Director of Enforcement and before that a career ERISA litigator with the Office of the...
Multiple Employer Plans Update
Multiple Employer Plans Update - Susan Rees, panelist, ABA 2024 May Tax Section Meeting, May 3, 2024, Washington, D.C. - Click here for details
ERISA Fiduciary Institute 2023
ERISA Fiduciary Institute 2023 - Andrew Oringer and Susan Rees, panelists, American Bar Association Joint Committee on Employee Benefits (JCEB) seminar, Washington, D.C., September 12, 2023 - Click...
Cybersecurity Issues – 2023 Joint TE/GE Council Employee Plans Annual Meeting
Cybersecurity Issues - Susan Rees, 2023 Joint TE/GE Council Employee Plans Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., February 23 - 24, 2023
DOL “Clarifies” Guidance on the Bonding Requirements to PEPS and Their Pooled Plan Providers
By Stephen Wilkes, Seth Gaudreau and Susan Rees A recent Information Letter from Eric Berger, Chief, Division of Coverage, Reporting and Disclosure, in the Office of Regulations and Interpretations...
Department of Labor Updates Guidance on Independence of Qualified Plan Accountants
Plan sponsors of large employee benefit pension plans are familiar with the requirement of audited financial statements for annual reporting purposes. That requirement is discussed in the DOL’s...
Department of Labor (“DOL”) Proposes to “Update” QPAM Exemption
One of the most frequently used of the prohibited transaction class exemptions is Prohibited Transaction Class Exemption 84-14, which provides an exemption for Qualified Plan Asset Managers (the...
ERISA World Awaits Next EBSA Move on Proposed Restrictions on the Prohibited Transaction Exemptions Process
It has been almost four months since the Employee Benefit Security Administration (EBSA) of the Department of Labor (“DOL”) published its proposed amendments to regulations for the procedures by...
IRS Issues Proposed Regulation to Give SECURE Act MEPS “Bad Apple” Relief
On March 28, 2022, the IRS issued a notice of proposed rulemaking to add a new section - 26 CFR section 1.413-3 Special Rules for Section 413(e) Plans - to the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). 87...
The Wagner Law Group Now Has 11 Fellows of the American College of Employee Benefits Counsel – A Nationwide High
We are very proud to share that our firm now includes 11 Fellows of the prestigious American College of Employee Benefits Counsel. Fellows of the American College of Employee Benefits Counsel...
Misuse of Participant Confidential Data
As we explained in our recent Law Alert, the Department of Labor (“DOL”) has become highly focused on the cybersecurity practices of plan sponsors and their service providers and has begun asking...